25 juil. 2016

In Santa Monica Beach, CA

"I was married twice. First time with a man, second time with a woman. They both told me at some point that they would love me forever and want to be with me for the rest of their life. They had so much love for me. And I really believed in it. But both relationship ended. And it hurt me a lot. It hurt that part of me that wants to believe in a love that last forever. So sometime I feel very angry over this or some other time I feel very sad. So I've been going to a place for people who feel alone and need a place to talk about whatever they go through. It's kind of like the AA except you don't have to be alcoholic to go there. Someone told me of how important it is to do things following the call of your heart, no matter what people will think of it. So I've decided to listen to my heart more and do things that I would normally not do. So I've decided I'd come to the beach and dance. I'm not a professional dancer, I just do it for myself. I feel this energy in my body that just wants to come out and express itself through dance. So I dance. And I dance at the beach, because being by the ocean inspires me."

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