27 août 2015

In Santa Fe, New Mexico

"In Santa Fe, you're not supposed to play freely in the street. But they let you get away with it because it's good for tourism. There's a lot of very good busking artist around here. I really like doing that. I'm going to start a blog about busking in the Santa Fe and Albuquerque area.

In Venice Beach, CA

26 août 2015

In Venice Beach, CA

In Venice Beach, CA

"I'm traveling all around California with my boyfriend to find a place where to live together. I'm from Washington state and it is my first time moving outside my state.
I want to be a teacher later but what i'm really interested in is helping the students to develop themselves in a good and positive way. I'm more interested in personal development rather than basic teaching. One of my goal is to develop a special program for the kids who were removed from their parents by the state during their childhood or teenagehood because for whatever reason their parents couldn't take charge of them. When they turn 18, most of them are left to themselves with no real family to support them. So they tend to turn to drugs and living in the street. So I want to develop a program that would support them and help them find a job and get a real life."

24 août 2015

In Los Angeles

"I'm native american. Since five years, i have been devoting my life to rehabilit an old native spiritual tradition: moving prayer stones. Nobody does it anymore, but in the past, Natives used to move some special sacred stones, called prayer stones, from one mountain to an other, in a way to honor the spirits of differents mountains. The stones would confer to those who would carry them some special powers and reinforcements. So I'm trying to make that tradition live again. I ask people around for old prayer stones, i take them and move them from mountains to mountains. I don't have much money, i move around with an old car, but i'm happy that way!"

23 août 2015

In San Francisco

She first went randomly to me to give me a flower saying: "I think you should have a rose". I thought it was funny and I asked for her picture.
"Today, i felt like buying flowers, for no reason.
I'm a fromagère and I live by the beach. I can see the waves from the ocean from my window. Plus it's a rather cheap rent because it's far from downton. It's a great life! 

In San Francisco

"What helps me the most is the Bible and my faith in Jesus. In the difficult moments, that's what I can really trust."

In San Francisco

"I'd talk to you more but i've to catch my bus."

21 août 2015

In San Francisco
"Selling these T-shirts by the street is how i make a living. I sit here all day, talk to costumers and play guitar."

While traveling in the US recently, I took several nice pictures. Here they come!

20 août 2015

"In Montreal, you see plenty of people feeling free to just be themselves in public—I'd like to think I support and in certain ways embody that kind of free individualism. But sometimes, if someone maybe acts out or crosses some boundary, I catch myself thinking, "why didn't they think about how others would react when they did or said that?" and I sort of laugh at myself in that moment. I feel like the quiet tension and rigid norms of my home and school life growing up in the suburbs cast that spell on me, despite being under the impression that I was resisting all that. Now that I'm here, I want to get rid of that kind of over-analyzing and just live the way I want, the way that's good for me. Like meditating in the park." (2/2)

"I'm not a professional musician, but I get a lot of joy out of singing the songs I know and teaching myself to play them on guitar. My goal is to finally start composing enough songs for a proper repertoire. Today I'm trying to put music to lyrics I wrote earlier. It feels empowering, like a step towards self-actualization. Even if I wouldn't record it. What I'm trying to focus on nowadays is helping the spirit in the song breathe, not suffocating it with perfectionism. I've learned it's important not to get frustrated with myself if something turns out mediocre. It's about warming up to saying: 'That's fine, there's beauty in that.'
Engaging myself in the arts has always been so rewarding, no matter what the outcome. So I've also started drawing again recently. If I have an image in mind and then try to draw it, of course sometimes it doesn't come out exactly as I'd projected. So I'm trying to accept that and to see the beauty in what actually came out of my hand rather than clinging to the idea that's in my head." (1/2)

16 août 2015

"Je suis en train d'écrire des notes de voyages. Je reviens d'un voyage extraordinaire et je ne veux pas oublier ce que j'ai vécu alors je l'écris. Je suis allé en Islande. C'est vraiment un très beau pays!"

11 août 2015

"Je suis tatoueur."

"J'aime dessiner à partir de photos congé modèle. Ça peut être toute sorte de choses. En ce moment, je dessine un chien."

4 août 2015

"Je suis prof de français au cegep! On dirait pas quand on me voit, hein?"

3 août 2015

"Avant je faisais beaucoup de manifs. Mais maintenant j'ai envie de contribuer au monde autrement. En ce moment, j'ai plus envie d'être dans la création, de donner de l'amour et de la joie au monde autour de moi! Je fais beaucoup de dumpster diving aussi, ça évite le gaspillage puis c'est le fun, tu sais jamais ce que tu vas manger, ça dépend de ce que tu trouves."

2 août 2015

"Demain je pars dans une aventure. Je vais au BC! Je vais traverser tout le Canada en bus, ça va prendre 3 jours."

"Je vais accoucher demain. C'est mon premier enfant. Comme le bébé a la tête en haut, on va devoir faire une césarienne. Et c'est prévu pour demain. C'est un peu bizarre de savoir à l'avance quel jour va avoir lieu la naissance. Avec mon chum, on a déjà réservé un taxi, prévenu nos familles et nos amis. Je ne suis pas sûr quoi faire le jour avant un accouchement. Je me suis de prendre ça relax. Là je lis un livre qui donne des conseils pour s'occuper des bébés. "

1 août 2015

"C'est un vieux scooter de 1985. C'est un cadeau de mon copain, il a dû trouver plein de pièces anciennes pour le remettre en état. C'est le fun de se promener avec."