29 sept. 2015

"Je viens de Montréal, j'ai grandi sur le plateau. Mais durant les quatre dernières années je n'ai fait que voyager. Je pars dans deux jours au Mexique rejoindre mon chum que j'ai rencontré en voyage. On va travailler dans des fermes et diverses communautés. Je suis un peu fébrile, car ce départ est plus important que les autres. Jusque-là, je partais mais je revenais toujours, ce n'était que des voyages. Mais cette fois ci, je laisse définitivement Montréal pour aller vivre à ailleurs. C'est comme si je perdais mon pied à terre pour me jeter dans l'inconnu." 

28 sept. 2015

"Je préfère travailler dehors dans la nature plutôt que enfermé dans un atelier. Il y a plus de lumières et les intempéries ne me font pas peur. Il va bientôt pleuvoir et ça tombe bien car j'ai besoin de mouiller un peu ma sculpture. Et je fais des rencontres avec des gens, je peux parler de l'oeuvre que je suis en train de réaliser. Et si je rencontre quelques personnes intéressés à apprendre la sculpture, j'animerais des ateliers de sculpture dans le parc. "

"L'idée de cette sculpture m'est venu en rêve. J'ai rêvé d'un aigle qui survolait le grand Canyon. Alors j'ai commencé à sculpter ce que j'ai vu. Je veux y donner une symbolique particulière : cette sculpture représente la structure du monde qu'on va léguer à nous enfants. Le système capitaliste dans lequel on vit crée de la pauvreté et détruit l'environnement. Les pics qui s'élèvent représentent ceux qui s'accaparent la richesse et le pouvoir, ceux qui maintiennent inconsciemment un système économique qui mène l'humanité à sa perte. Cependant, j'ai voulu mettre un peu de nuances en sculptant un coeur en haut d'un pic pour représenter le fait que quelques-uns ont quand même de la compassion comme Bill Gates qui a décidé de léguer sa fortune à des organisations humanitaires plutôt que d'enrichir encore plus sa famille. La base des pics représentent les peuples et les arches représentent des ponts et des alliances qui se crée entre les peuples pour lutter contre le système. Je crois que aujourd'hui les nouvelles technologies vont permettre de créer des réseaux de citoyens qui vont pouvoir lutter ensemble et éveiller les consciences. "

In Toronto

" I have always enjoyed and been around art. But I'm not an artist myself because the responsibilities of life and the jobs end up taking you away from that."

25 sept. 2015

In Toronto

The girl at the right: " Riding a scooter is part of a lifestyle. I'm an artist and i like to feel free. Riding in Toronto feels great, especially because it's relatively not that polluted and you have the feeling of having pure air blowing in your face."

22 sept. 2015

In New York

"I had just thought I would like someone to take my picture while I was sitting on that stone watching sunset. And then you came and said hi."

21 sept. 2015

In New York

"I wrote this poem once:
In your hands it crumbles,
Flower falls and stumbles.
All but one breath from the sun
Where the waters flow and rivers grow
Giving us a passage to be whole. "

19 sept. 2015

In Central Park, New York 

"I live in Manhattan and I went to school to NYU (New York University) which is one of the most liberal school in New York. I work in a private insurance company but I would like to do something more interesting because it's a lot of non-interesting paperwork. I go for yoga classes and i'm a lot into veganism. I think it's important in order to reduce animal suffering, because even when you're vegetarian you're still eating animal products that come from mistreated animals. It's also important for the global warming issue because the meat and milk industry is responsible for a lot of greenhouse gas emission. And if you manage your diet well, you don't get any nutritional deficiency."

13 sept. 2015

In New York

"We're all artists! We're from different places and we're visiting our friend who lives in New York."

12 sept. 2015

In Alexandria, VA (in the Washington DC area)

"I come to play here every night the weather is good. I can make a lot of money here, with all the tourists passing by. I like playing all kind of style, classical, folk, Irish, bluegrass, metal,... Sometimes I play in bands. 
I started playing violin in high school, I got into the orchestra. When I went to college, I started playing guitar, then I also tried bass, singing,... But I always came back to the violin. It's easy to carry around when you're playing in the streets, and I like the feeling of the wood. And it's also that I can play a lot of romantic songs with the violin and I really appreciate romantic songs! "

In Washington DC

"I'm a student in Washington DC. I mainly stay on campus and don't go out so much, especially alone. So today is a bit of an adventure."

11 sept. 2015

In Washington DC,
At the back of the Lincoln monument

"Everyone is on the other side. So this side is a quiet place to read. When i'm here it kinda feels like you're escaping the city to go into nature."

9 sept. 2015

In Santa Fe, NM

In Santa Fe, NM

"I'm a Native American from two different tribes and i'm the last descendent from the tribe of my mother's side."

7 sept. 2015

In Santa Fe, NM

The woman: "I used to dance professionally. But now i only dance for myself and for my husband who is playing hang."

3 sept. 2015

In Santa Fe, NM

Him: "You think it's interesting to take a picture of an old man like me?"
Me: "Everyone is interesting!"

2 sept. 2015

In Santa Fe, NM

"I'm an artist. I love living in Santa Fe, it's a great place for artists and just for living in general. It's quite small but there's always something going on in the street, someone playing guitar or some other instruments.
One thing I do a lot with other fellow artists is bartering. We exchange arts against arts or services against services. It's a great way not to function with money all the time."

1 sept. 2015

In Santa Fe, NM

In Santa Fe, NM

"I'm 15 years old. I live in Santa Fe and go to school here. I like it a lot. Apart from that, i play piano but only for myself. I don't want to produce myself, it's like an intimate thing."

In Santa Fe, NM

The girl at the right: "I'm from Germany, and i'm travelling around. I sell paintings to raise money for my travels."
The girl at the left: "I live around here. But I want to travel too."

In Santa Fe, NM

"I've just finished my studies in a special program in humans relationships. It's all about the diferent social relationship we go through life, like the mother and child one, the friendships, work relationships, love relationships, etc. We see their dynamics, what happens when they go wrong. Now, I work in a summer camp for childrens. Lots of humans relationships going on there."