28 juil. 2016

In Dallas, by an Anthony Robbins seminar*:

"I came here because I've lyme disease and it's really hard to deal with it. So I came here to have the energy to fight it. And I wanted to get more in touch with myself. Doing this seminar is the same thing than when you take a moment to look and reflect on your life except that being just a moment in a day, it last for three days. So it's very powerful. I came to realize that the three most important values I want to go for in my life is connection, love and contribution. Actually you just gave me an idea. I think I'd like to do a project where I go to people that are alone. Like people who are sitting alone at a coffee shop. And just go talk to them. Get to know what's their story."

*this picture was taken outside of a seminar called "Unleash the power within" by Anthony Robbins, one of the most influential coach in the US.  It's  powerful self-development workshop that empower people to take control of their destiny and pursue their dreams.

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