26 mai 2016

"I'm from India and I'm doing a master in mechanical engeneering at Concordia University. I like living here a lot. But some things are better in India.  Where I lived in India we didn't need to pay for everything. We didn't have to go buy milk for exemple. Not everybody had to work, actually one man working full time could nurrish a family. And work and life are more slow spaced, nobody is ever on time… Here you have to pay for everything you need. And you have to work a lot, and you have a very specific schedule of work. Right now, what I do for work is unloading trucks. It's fine to do that now when I'm a student, but I really don't want to do it all my life.  So when I'm done with my degree, if I don't find a great interesting job here, I think I will return to India.
But one thing I really like here in Montreal is that I get to meet lots of people from different backgrounds. I wouldn't have that opportunity in India. But I wish I could speak french and meet even more people here. I've started to learn it but it's very difficult. In particular the fact that things have specific gender, like "La table" or "le banc". It's crasy!"

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